The "Super Blue Blood Moon" is a very rare phenomenon that takes place every 19 years. The last time the "Super Blue Blood Moon" was seen was on December 30, 1982. This phenomenon includes three stages during the eclipse:
- It was referred to as a Super Moon because the Moon was close to it's Perigee(or the nearest distance between the Earth and the Moon).
- It was called a Blue Moon because it was the second full moon in the month of January this year.
- And it was called a Blood Moon because of the colour(reddish brown colour) of the moon during the lunar eclipse.
In India the eclipse began around 6:30 PM and ended at around 8:40 PM. I watched the entire spectacle along with my friends and my telescope.
When I first started viewing the eclipse, the shadow of the Earth slowly began to cover the surface of the full moon and then gradually the moon began to turn orange in colour. Within a few minutes the moon had become completely red in colour. This was a beautiful sight.
Then as time progressed the red moon began to slowly become white again and the shadow of the Earth covering the moon also began to move away from the moon. By 8:30 PM the moon seemed to look normal again.